Tips and Tricks on Staying Healthy (with food):

Content Objectives:

Students will be able to explain the benefits of eating heathier.

Students will be able to give reasons on how to stay healthier (with food).

1.) Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Most people think it is healthier to eat 7 smalls meals a day- instead of 3 big meals. This is because those 3 big meals will end up stretching out your stomach and you will be able to eat more and more. You get to snack 7 times a day! :)

2.) Drink Water and Chew Gum (sugar free gum- if your teacher allows you to)

Often times, when you think you are hungry your body is just dehydrated (thirsty). Instead of eating a big meal, try drinking a glass of water and see how hungry you are afterwards. Chewing gum can be helpful when trying to stay away from deserts or other fatty foods.

3.) Try to Get Your Family to Eat Healthy

Usually, if everyone in your house eats healthy food- you will eat healthy too. This can be something you do with all your friends or in your home with your family. Eating healthy can be motivating!

4.) Never Eat in Front of the Television

People who eat in front of the television don't realize how much they are eating. Try sitting at the dinner table with your family or a friend. You will be less likely to sit there as long versus sitting in front of a television.

5.) Watch How Much You Eat

If you keep track of how much you eat on a daily basis, it will be easier to see what you can cut out of your diet. Hopefully you will be able to switch fruit in with cookies you ate during lunch.


*Note: the italic words are "ing" verbs. We will be discussing "ing" verbs in the next lesson.


For more practice with nutrition visit: Nutritional Games



"ING" Verbs

Nutrition Activity


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